Here is a list of all of our favourite things from other brands that we highly recommend if you are looking to level up your beauty business!
Businesses, brands and tools we recommend to make your business journey a little smoother along the way. These are all the things we love and personally use!
The best marketing + website templates for beauty trainers and salons.
Elise is absolutely addicted to Chat GPT, whenever in doubt... ChatGPT it!
Email marketing converts 40% more clients than social media!!
Its all about getting that aesthetic. Lightroom presets are THE ONE.
Fab platform for editing graphics! You can snag our templates to edit on there too!!
An absolute babe of a social media manager. Goes above and beyond and comes highly recommended by Glamour Luxe.
Video editing GEM!! Easy to use and content looks FIREEE!
Cheap & cheerful content grabber! Snag it!
Learn how to be an insane beauty trainer with a few of our best kept secrets now revealed. Learn how Elise went from quiet to BUSY in a short time.
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Learn how to capture engaging content that performs well without spending hours every week doing crazy content planning that ends up with 5 likes & no sales.
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Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign
I love these apps and use them regularly. I highly recommend learning these softwares as it gives you so much more capabilities when marketing your business. Orrrr you could be sensible and delegate, but I am the worst for delegating. I am specific with what I create ;)
We sell some seriously game-changing (ick! I just said 'game-changing', but I can't think of another word hehe) stuff that you will wanna get your hands on CEO queen!
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We have become a thriving training academy in the UK and seen great success with our students. We feel a burning desire to raise the bar in the beauty education industry, which starts here.